Police databases have data on hundreds of thousands of probable evaders — Interior Minister

Photo: UP
Police databases contain data on hundreds of thousands of people who, in the opinion of territorial recruitment centers, may be evading service

This is reported by espreso.tv

It was stated by the Minister of Internal Affairs Ihor Klymenko, Ukrinform reports.

"Police and TCR employees can work on the street - but only a military officer, a TCR employee, can hand over a summons. And we work together at checkpoints. The police have the relevant databases, which already contain hundreds of thousands of people who, in the opinion of the TCR, are likely to evade service. We are checking these people and, of course, these people can be checked by the employees of the TCR", Klymenko said during a meeting of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine.

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He clarified that the police are looking for Ukrainians who evade mobilization from among those who have already received a call. At the same time, law enforcement officers act only upon a written request from the TCR staff. And administrative protocols against this group of people are drawn up exclusively by employees of the TCR.

  • In Volyn, about 8 thousand people are wanted for failure to report to the TCR. In the Chernivtsi region, more than 5 thousand men are wanted for this reason. In Ivano-Frankivsk region, almost 40 thousand people are officially wanted for failure to report to the TCR. And in Lviv region, since the beginning of the year, district TCR and SS have sent appeals to the police to deliver 2146 people, more than 1000 were found and delivered to the TCR.

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