An unseen discovery: Piece of glass found in the park was a 4.87 carat diamond

Impressive discovery in a park
Jerry Evans of Arkansas got a stunning surprise when what he thought was a simple piece of glass turned out to be a precious diamond, becoming the largest found in the park since 2020

An Arkansas man had a surprise of a lifetime when he discovered that the piece of glass he picked up in a park was actually a valuable 4.87 carat diamond. Jerry Evans found the unusual treasure in Diamond Crater State Park, and his discovery became the largest diamond found in the park since 2020. The park, known for its volcanic diamonds, has attracted more than 75,000 such gems over the years, according to CNN. Evans was stunned to learn that what he thought was just a piece of glass turned out to be a genuine diamond after sending the object to the Gemological Institute of America for expert examination.

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