The Management Board of Oschad doubled the amount of charitable assistance to Ohmatdyt – the bank transferred UAH 10 million to help the institution

Oshchadbank has decided to double the amount of charitable aid to Ohmatdyt and its patients who suffered from the insidious enemy shelling on July 8.
A targeted charitable contribution of UAH 10 million was transferred to the account of Tabletochki Charitable Foundation, a longtime partner of the medical institution. Of this amount, UAH 5 million will be used to restore the hospital's operations, including renovation of premises, purchase of equipment, furniture, medicines, consumables, etc., and another UAH 5 million will be spent on medical, psychological and other related assistance to the affected patients.
Other steps taken by Oschad to support Ohmatdyt include a new option in the Mobile Oschad app, which allows each user to make a donation from an Oschadbank card to the charitable organization "Ohmatdyt - Healthy Childhood". This recipient is displayed first in the "Payments - Other - Charity" section. Such transfers are made without commission.
Ohmatdyt is the largest children's hospital in Ukraine, treating more than 20,000 children from all over the country every year. On July 8, an enemy missile completely destroyed the hospital's toxicology building and damaged 4 other buildings. 10 surgical departments, 5 oncology departments, 2 somatic departments, intensive care, 2 intensive care units, operating units, radiology and radiation therapy departments, and part of the oncohematology laboratory (the only one in the country) were damaged.
Press service of Oschadbank