Supported the invasion of Ukraine, spread propaganda: Russian director Shakhnazarov has been declared a suspect

Office of the Attorney General
Russian film director Karen Shakhnazarov has been reported in absentia on suspicion — he justified Russia's invasion of Ukraine and disseminated Kremlin slogans and narratives
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The report did not specify the name of the figurehead, but the photo indicates Shakhnazarov.

According to the investigation materials, the famous Russian film director, taking advantage of his popularity and authority in the media and the opportunity to shape public opinion, systematically expressed his position supporting Russia. In particular, in interviews with propaganda media, the figure voiced pro-Russian narratives and slogans.

A video was also published on YouTube on September 18, 2023, where the director commented on the topic of Ukraine's sovereignty and the interests of the aggressor state.

"In a conversation with a Russian blogger in Moscow, the suspect disseminated information aimed at implementing the Russian state information policy to support the so-called special military operation and justify Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine. At the same time, the 'cultural activist' realized that the materials would be available to a wide audience", the Office of the Prosecutor General said.

The film director was charged with justifying the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine (part 3 of Article 436-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Note: in accordance with Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is considered innocent of committing a crime and may not be subjected to criminal punishment until his guilt is legally proven and established by a guilty verdict of a court.

  • On June 21, the Security Service of Ukraine accused Russian actor Vitaliy Gogunsky, known for his role as Kuzya in the TV series "Univer," of propagandizing Russia's war against Ukraine; he faces up to 12 years in prison


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