Greece, the country of 2023: How it managed to get out of the economic and political crisis

Greece named country of the year 2023
The Economist recognises Greece's remarkable progress in reform and stability

The Economist has named Greece as "Country of the Year 2023", recognising its efforts and remarkable progress in overcoming the past economic and political crisis. The journalists highlight the tough and sensible economic transformations and the successful choices made by the center-right government, which have led to Greece's return to the top of the rankings of the rich world's economies.

The article details how Greece overcame a deep financial crisis a decade ago, hit by the broken social contract, extremist parties and controversial decisions such as the sale of the port of Piraeus to a Chinese firm. Despite ongoing problems such as the railway accident and the wiretapping scandal, Greece has shown that economic reforms, restrained patriotism and prudent foreign policy choices can bring the country to high levels of success and stability, reports Digi24.

The Economist points out that Greece is an example to the world of how the country can revive and win popular support through balanced and robust approaches. The article also points out that in the context of the 2024 elections, democrats around the world should pay attention to the lessons learned from the Greek experience.

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