A week to the Book Arsenal!
Behind the ease and joy are months of work. This is the first Arsenal in which Orlando Publishing House participates and where we present books by our authors!
We have collected all the information in one place to make it convenient for you. So:
1. Dates.
The Arsenal will last from May 30 to June 2. The organizers are preparing a program with performances and presentations and a fair on the ground floor of the Old Arsenal. This year's slogan of the festival is "Life on the Edge". A ticket for one day costs UAH 150. You can also buy a ticket for all days for 400 UAH on the Arsenal's website or at the box office.
Address: 10-12 Lavrska St., Kyiv
2. Where to find us?
Our stand D2.30. Please take a screenshot here so you don't lose it. During all four days of Arsenal, we will be presenting books by our authors, our students who trusted us and chose Method a few years ago. Six stories that once began as classroom exercises now have super aesthetic blue covers, readers, and separate shelves in bookstores. And we are also presenting the seventh book, THE LITTLE YELLOW EXCAVATOR, which has just been published. Wear blue and come to our signature indigo event to finally see each other in person, hug each other, meet the authors, talk about writing and contemporary Ukrainian literature, buy books by ORLANDO, and hug each other once again.
3. Come to our presentation.
On May 31 at 15:00 on the Street Stage, we will talk about "THE LITTLE YELLOW EXCAVATOR" and live literature. We have combined the works of nineteen of our soldiers about real life at war. These are prose and poetry by those who chose to defend Ukraine instead of a literary career. All the texts are accompanied by reportage photos by Donbas Frontliner, an independent Ukrainian media outlet that has been covering Russia's war against Ukraine since 2014. We will talk about the stories of our authors, the work on the collection, and the power of loving your own.
4. Who will be there?
Everyone will be there! Natalie will come to Kyiv on May 26. On May 26, the Day of Kyiv, we will hold a presentation of Mariana Bozhko's book at the Readeat bookstore. You are welcome to join us, admission is free.
Mari and Alina are on their way to Ukraine right now. It's been so long since our team has been together in Kyiv that it's still hard to believe that this is going to happen: Kate Uteva, Galina Tarasenko, Sonia Kapinus, and Mariana Bozhko. For those who want signed books, keep in mind.
5. What else?
We are announcing the Method week in Kyiv and preparing for presentations, open readings, meetings, and even a performance during the first week of June! So just a heads up: don't plan anything for these days and stay with us. Detailed announcement to follow!
6. Stand D2.30.
See you soon!