Russian delegation blocks OSCE forum meeting

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On Wednesday, May 15, the Russian delegation blocked a meeting of the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation: the event was held in an alternative format

This is reported by

It is indicated that Croatia, which holds the OSCE FSC chairmanship, nevertheless held the event in an alternative format. During the consultations, the OSCE participating states strongly condemned Russian aggression and expressed their readiness to support Ukraine as long as necessary.

"Russia demonstrates destructive approaches to the OSCE and consistently and purposefully destroys this international organization. On Wednesday, the Russian delegation once again blocked the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation. Currently, the Russian Federation is the only country in the organization that is taking such steps", the Ukrainian mission said.

They added that they believe that the Russians are taking such actions because of the "total support for Ukraine" by the participating countries, as well as Russia's inability to change the current state of affairs.

  • The President of the OSCE PA, Pia Kauma said that Russia cannot be expelled from the OSCE PA because it requires "consensus minus one". There are more members in the organization who oppose the expulsion of Russia.

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