In Germany, for the first time, a minister supports the return of conscripts to Ukraine

Roman Pozek, Minister of the Interior of the German federal state of Hesse, representative of the CDU, spoke about Germany's assistance to Ukraine in mobilizing conscripts

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According to the minister, Ukraine should be helped in defending itself against russian aggression.

"This could also include our help to ensure that Ukraine can rely on people who have gone abroad but who can be used in a war", the politician said on ARD.

This way, Pozek emphasized, it would be possible to "support Ukraine's defense capabilities."

At the same time, he added, Germany wants to remain a safe haven for emigrants. Therefore, Roman Pozek emphasized, the German authorities are facing a "dilemma" on this issue.

At the same time, Pozek supported Ukraine's decision regarding the continued impossibility of replacing and obtaining new documents by those men abroad who evade registration.

This is the first time that the possible return of Ukrainian men from Germany for military service at home has received a positive response at the official level in Germany.

  • At the end of 2023, German Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann assured that if Ukraine wants to call up men who left the country for military service, this will not have practical consequences for Ukrainians living in Germany.


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