US Congress condemns 500,000 Ukrainians to death or serious injury: a selection of fakes in the world for April 25

russia continues to produce fake news
The Center for Countering Disinformation published a selection of fakes and manipulations that appeared in the world on April 25

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Manipulation: German-Finnish blogger Kim Dotcom wrote on his X page: "You (Joe Biden — ed.) are sending more Ukrainians to their deaths so that your opponent cannot say that you have lost the war. Hundreds of husbands and fathers are dying every day for your campaign".

Rebuttal: Such manipulative statements are made to mislead readers, demonstrating that the Ukrainian military is allegedly fighting not for the freedom of their country, but for the ambitions of politicians. The purpose of such statements is to discredit the US leadership and its support for Ukraine.

Disinformation: American economist Jeffrey Sachs said: "(The US Congress — ed.) condemned about 500,000 Ukrainians to death or serious injury. Ukraine has lost a significant part of its territory not because putin wanted to seize it, but because the United States at every stage refused to engage in basic diplomacy on the issue of deploying American troops along the russian border".

Rebuttal: The American economist, using the tactics of propaganda, is trying to shift the responsibility for the deaths of Ukrainians as a result of russian aggression onto Ukraine's partners.

Disinformation: American economist Michael Hudson said: "They (Ukraine — ed.) are not trying to mobilize Ukrainians as much as the former Hungarian and Romanian-speaking population in Ukraine. They are trying to commit ethnic suicide to send them to the front. They are Nazi ethnic racists".

Rebuttal: The Ukrainian government is mobilizing all citizens of the country, regardless of their ethnicity. Such statements are aimed at demonizing the government of Ukraine and discrediting the mobilization process among foreign audiences.

  • Earlier, The American Conservative spread a fake that moscow sought neutrality, not subjugation of Ukraine.

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