A series of interviews with friends of Daily Hub News
Anastasia Rozkoshenko

Dear friends, we really want to support every entrepreneur and owner of small and large businesses, to tell and show how many talents each of you has. We believe that the best way to introduce you to our audience, and to introduce us to your friends, clients, and acquaintances, is through a short interview
As part of a series of interviews with Daily Hub News friends, we talked to photographer Anastasia Rozkoshenko about sources of inspiration, the perfect day off, and how sometimes simple human joys can be a manifestation of self-love.
Self-love is...
Taking time for yourself, paying attention to your needs mentally and physically. To improve in everything and not to stop there!
What inspires you?
My work. I get inspiration and a new stimulus every time after each shoot. I love traveling — it also inspires me!
The ideal day off is...
Spending time with the whole family in a new, beautiful place.
What are your favorite ways to relax and reboot?
Traveling, watching movies, reading books and socializing with friends and family.
What is your favorite section on our Daily Hub News portal?
With love, Anastasia Rozkoshenko