Trump and Biden tied among immigrant voters

According to the latest CNN poll, the candidates have an equal number of votes - 48%
Donald Trump's harsh remarks about illegal immigrants have drawn outspoken criticism from Democrats. Joe Biden's campaign has accused the former president of making remarks reminiscent of Adolf Hitler.
This is stated in the CNN material.
Even some representatives of the Republican Party preferred to separate themselves from Trump's views, including his competitors in the 2024 presidential election, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley.
Given the negative perception of Trump's statements, it can be assumed that this may affect his support among voters.
Currently, there are no polls that indicate voter attitudes toward specific words or phrases used by Trump in his anti-immigrant speech. However, two recent CNN polls of approximately 200 immigrant respondents show no clear lead or disadvantage for either candidate: both have equal support at 48%.
This marks a significant reversal from the 2020 election results, when Biden won among immigrants by about 20 points.
This result may come as a surprise, but it should be noted that immigrants are overwhelmingly non-white, and recent data shows that Trump has increased his popularity among voters of color compared to 2020.
Polls also confirm that immigrants are less concerned about Trump's words. More than 40% identify economic issues as the main concern, while only slightly more than 10% see immigration and border security as issues.
Even if immigrants were to vote for a party based on its position on immigration issues, the difference between Democrats and Republicans comes down to 1 point, which is a statistical margin of error.