Significant drop in industrial production in Romania in the first ten months of 2023

Drop in industrial production in Romania
Heat and power, one of the areas affected

Romania's industrial production recorded a decrease of 4.8% in the first ten months of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022.

According to data published by the National Institute of Statistics , here are the main points:

Sectors affected:

Electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning: A significant decrease of 10.5%.

Manufacturing industry: Registering a decrease of 4.3%.

Mining and quarrying: By contrast, up 3.1%.

Adjusted series:

Overall decline: Industrial production, adjusted for working days and seasonality, fell 5%.

Sectoral contributions: Notable decreases in Electricity, gas, hot water and air conditioning (10.5%), manufacturing (4.3%), while mining and quarrying increased by 3.1%.

Monthly performance (October 2023):

Overall growth: Industrial production increased by 0.6% from the previous month.

Contrasting sectors: Increases in electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning (+8.3%) and mining and quarrying (+1.3%), while manufacturing fell 0.4%.

Monthly adjusted series: A decrease of 1.2%, with negative contributions from manufacturing (-2%), mining and quarrying (-1.9%), and electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning (-0.6%).

Compared to the previous year (October 2023 vs. October 2022):

Overall decrease: Industrial production decreased by 2.3%, with negative contributions from all three sectors.

Adjusted series compared to previous year (October 2023 vs. October 2022):

Significant drop: A 4.9% decline, with manufacturing (-4.5%), electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning (-5.4%), and mining and quarrying (-1.6%) making negative contributions.


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