Builders, electricians and locksmiths: The Cabinet of Ministers told which professions will be in demand after the end of the war in Ukraine
To meet the demand of employers, vocational schools are being transformed in Ukraine. Educational institutions will compete for funding
After thewar is over, representatives of blue-collar professions, as well as specialistsin construction and telecommunications, will be in the greatest demand inUkraine. To ensure that there are enough of them in the labor market, thegovernment has included UAH 500 million in the draft budget for next year totransform vocational schools. This is stated in an official statement by the Cabinet of Ministers.
It is notedthat educational institutions will be equipped with modern equipment. Inaddition, the training of students in the professions that are in greatestdemand for the country's reconstruction will be improved.
"Theneed for blue-collar jobs is constantly growing. 85% of the vacancies posted are in professions that can be learned at a vocational school. TheMinistry of Economy's macroeconomic forecast for 2027 shows that the mostpopular economic activities will be construction, telecommunications, etc. Inaddition, many builders, electricians, and mechanics are currently defendingUkraine at the front. Thus, the demand for blue-collar jobs is extremelyhigh", - said Minister of DigitalTransformation Mykhailo Fedorov .
100training and practical centers will be created on the basis of vocationaleducation institutions
"100future workshops are not only about more than 50,000 students who will be ableto study in new premises next year, but also about the development ofvocational education institutions in general. By creating a workshop, institutionslearn how to draw up project plans, calculate budgets, analyze the market, andforecast the need for professions. In addition, such workshops will help thembecome autonomous and earn money for their development", - said DeputyMinister of Education and Science Dmytro Zavhorodnyi.
Theworkshops will be created in different profiles: from agricultural and repairto fashion design and cooking.
"Thespecific profile of the vocational school will be determined together withlocal authorities and businesses, taking into account the needs of the region.As part of the competition, they will, in particular, provide a forecast of theimpact of the center's opening on the development of the region," thestatement said.
Educationalinstitutions will compete for funding
To receivefunds for the development of workshops, institutions will compete in atransparent competition. They must provetheir readiness to open training centers and cooperate with businesses.
Who willbe able to enroll?
It is notedthat both students after grades 9 and 11 and adults - veterans, internallydisplaced persons, and anyone who wants to learn a new profession - will beable to study in such workshops.
In early October, Opendatabot reported that the number of vacancies inUkraine was increasing. It was noted that in September their number reached 105thousand, which is the highest figure since the beginning of the full-scaleinvasion.