Accelerated Financial Support for SMEs
This support measure complements existing programs for micro-industrialization
The procedure for implementing the de minimis aid scheme included in the Program for the Accelerated Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises has been formalized by publication in the Monitorul Oficial.
According to the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT), the beneficiaries of the program are companies active in the fields of construction, IT, scientific and technical services, tourism, and human health.
This support measure complements existing programs for micro-industrialization, trade and services, thus covering the financing of the full range of eligible activities in the national economy. Eligible investments include purchases of technological equipment, energy efficiency solutions, industrial waste management equipment, trucks, and production premises.
The application procedure involves submitting an agreement-in-principle form to credit and financing via an electronic form available on the MEAT website. A list of registered applications will then be published and applicants will be notified to go to their chosen credit institution for a bankability preview. If the result is positive, an agreement in principle to lend is issued, followed by administrative and eligibility assessment by AIMM.
Final credit agreements will only be granted after an additional bankability check by the partner credit institution.