The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine named the best Western air defence system

Launch of the IRIS-T rocket
IRIS-T is the best air defence system protecting Ukraine's skies today.
NASAMS is the most widespread Western system used in Ukraine.

Ukrainecurrently operates various types of Western-style air defence systems,including NASAMS, IRIS-T and Patriot. The best today is the German IRIS-T.

This was statedby Yurii Ignat, spokesperson for the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces ofUkraine, on the air of the FREEДОМ TVchannel.

Accordingto him, if the complex is deployed at the right time and set up in the rightsector to repel attacks, even one system can "solve the problem". Theexact location of the systems is not disclosed so that information about itdoes not get to the occupiers.

Accordingto Ihnat, Ukraine received NASAMS and IRIS-T systems almost simultaneously withthe start of Russian shelling of critical infrastructure.

"Therewas one IRIS-T and two NASAMS units. A unit can be different, but the mainthing is a radar that sees air targets, the air situation and transmits data tothe command post where the combat crew and, accordingly, the launchers arelocated. Then the work goes on without people, the launchers are located at acertain distance from the radar and the command post. The command post and thelauncher can already be considered a battery, it is not full-fledged, but it isalready working. The NASAMS launcher itself cannot work," said Ihnat.

At the sametime, he noted that the Buk M1 launcher is tracked and can travel and operateautonomously.

"That'swhy NASAMS and other systems work on the principle I mentioned, so NASAMS canhave a command post, radar, up to eight launchers that can be located at acertain distance from each other and provide firing up to 40 km at air targets,aerodynamic air targets. I can't say that there are systems that consist ofeight launchers, not just to get them, but to assemble them piece bypiece," Ihnat added.

Inaddition, new equipment is coming to Ukraine to strengthen defence in onedirection or another.

"Thebest one to date is the German-made IRIS-T system, which is the newest on themodel we received. The radar is excellent, our anti-aircraft gunners told methat it can see a small sparrow - it can distinguish it from a hundredkilometres away. IRIS-T works for a result close to 100%. NASAMS is noworse," he said.

Accordingto Ihnat, NASAMS is the most widespread Western system used in Ukraine. It hasshot down a significant number of enemy cruise missiles.

He alsosaid that Ukraine is currently waiting for air defence systems from France. Itis a SAMP/T system "similar to Patriot".

"Patriothas already proved itself in terms of shooting down ballistics and aerialballistics, that is, Patriot has already done a pretty good job in Ukraine withregard to the Daggers. We expect the same from the French system, which isalready in service with our Air Force," Ihnat added.

During the Новини Live marathon, a representative of the Air Forcesaid that the Defence Forces have two divisions of the Patriot anti-aircraftmissile system in service and will soon receive the third division of this airdefence system.

"Wehave information that we have two Patriot divisions on combat duty today. Nowit has been announced that Germany will provide another system. So, of course,there is no such thing as too many Patriots, just like cruise missiles,"said Yurii Ignat.

IRIS-T (Infra Red Imaging System Tail) is a medium-range anti-aircraftmissile system developed by the German company Diehl Defence. It is designed todestroy aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise and ballisticmissiles.

The systemhas a 360-degree radar observation station and is capable of simultaneouslyfiring at multiple targets in all weather conditions. Additional launchers canalso be connected to the system if required. As standard, the range of firefrom the vertical launcher is up to 40 km, with a kill range of 20 km.

During thefinal part of the flight, the missile is guided using an infrared homing headdesigned for IRIS-T missiles, which must have a high degree of protectionagainst passive and active countermeasures.

In June2022, Ukraine signed a contract with Diehl Defence for the supply of 11 IRIS-Tsystems.

On 18October 2022, IRIS-T was put on combat duty in Ukraine and showed its firstresults. The Air Force praised the system's performance.

The MIM-104 Patriot is an American anti-aircraft missile system inservice with the US Army and the armies of allied countries. It is manufacturedby a group of American companies led by Raytheon.

The latestmodification of the Patriot PAC-3 was tested in 1997 and put into service in2001.

The PatriotPAC-3 missile reaches supersonic speeds of approximately Mach 3, but is capableof shooting down targets that reach speeds of up to Mach 5. This makes itcapable of shooting down S-300 and S-400 air defence systems, as well assupersonic X-22 missiles and X-47M2 Kinzhal aeroballistic missiles.

The systemcan intercept targets at a distance of 80 kilometres (in the 90-degree sector).In the latest modifications - up to 150-160 kilometres with the РАС-2 missile. It can simultaneouslydetect and recognise more than 100 air targets.


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