Researchers warn teens about vaping health risks

The number of teenagers using e-cigarettes has seen a rise in the past year. Manufacturers monetize on both curiosity and susceptibility to peer influence by creating products that appeal to the younger ages. Flavors such as fruit, bubblegum candy, and alcohol are easily found on the shelves. 

Though knowledge about long-term side effects from vaping is still in its infancy, researchers continue to warn about the short-term health risks, particularly for those with pre-existing medical conditions. 

A report published by the American Heart Association details the chemicals found in electronic cigarettes. Toxic substances like acetaldehyde, acrolein, and formaldehyde are listed alongside warnings that these can cause lung disease and exacerbate asthma

Other potential health risks include debilitating lung issues , increases blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate and inflammation of the lungs .

Alongside these health warnings come government promises that more laws will be introduced to curb vaping among teens.


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