Ukraine ranked second in the number of IT specialists in Central and Eastern Europe
There are 307 thousand IT-specialists in Ukraine, which is the second indicator in the region
There are 307 thousand IT-specialists in Ukraine, which is the second indicator in the region
Almost half of the Poles surveyed are in favor of introducing a four-day work week with the current salary.
Nova Poshta has introduced a new service for customers abroad, including delivery between European countries where the company has a branch
In the Swiss city of Zofingen, a foreigner attacked passers-by with a knife. As a result, at least six people were injured
Italy's fourth largest city is tightening its rules for smokers: now you can't light a cigarette even in the open air if there are other people within five meters of you
This year Ukraine and Slovakia plan to launch a new international route that will connect the railway stations of Kiev and Kosice
If the russian occupiers try to restart Zaporizhzhia NPP, it could lead to an accident with radiation consequences that will have transboundary impact
Police crew "White Angel" evacuated 7 people from the frontline village of Zhelannoye, Donetsk region
International community condemns russia's actions in the Transnistrian region
European Parliament supports moves to return stolen russian gold
Increased tensions in the breakaway region
The drama that took the life of a teenager and the scandal involving the mayor
European farmers' protests draw attention to deep problems in the agricultural sector
Ana Musteață confesses her daily longing for the freedom of being a mother
Exploring volumes, destinations and waste streams
A change from sharp increases: Outlook on agricultural products and inputs
Authorities strike a blow against a trafficking ring: Drugs, weapons and cash seized in a coordinated action
Analysis of remarkable dynamics and variations at country level
An analysis of Eurostat data reveals a dramatic increase in the number of nights spent in tourist accommodation
Situation of beneficiaries, demographic distribution and extension of the European Council decision until 2025