Russians want to end the war, but oppose returning occupied territories to Ukraine: poll results

Russian army
Most Russians support ending the war in Ukraine.
The Russian sociological service Levada-Centre has published the sentiments of Russians regarding the war in Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin'sdecision to end the war in Ukraine is supported by 70% of Russian citizens.

This isevidenced by the results of a poll conducted by the LevadaCentre sociological service.

Inparticular, to the question "If this week President Vladimir Putin decidedto end the military conflict with Ukraine, would you support or oppose thisdecision?", the first group of respondents answered as follows:

  • 37% —definitely support;
  • 33% — wouldrather support;
  • 12% —definitely would not support;
  • 9% — wouldrather not support it;
  • 9% — findit difficult to answer.

The secondgroup of respondents was asked: "If this week President Vladimir Putindecided to end the military conflict with Ukraine and return the annexedterritories of Ukraine, would you support or oppose this decision?"

  • The answerswere as follows:
  • 16% — woulddefinitely support it;
  • 18% — wouldrather support;
  • 19% — wouldrather not support;
  • 38% —definitely would not support;
  • 10% — findit difficult to answer.

When askedwhether military operations should continue or peace talks should be initiated,more than half of respondents were in favour of starting negotiations.

At the sametime, about half of Russians would like to cancel the decision to start thewar. Respondents were asked: "If you had the opportunity to go back intime and cancel or support the launch of a military operation in Ukraine, wouldyou...".


  • 23% — woulddefinitely cancel it;
  • 18% — wouldrather cancel it;
  • 22% — wouldrather support it;
  • 21% — woulddefinitely support it;
  • 15% — findit difficult to answer.

Russiansbelieve that the war will last for a long time, but they believe that the"Special Military Operation" is successful.

46% ofrespondents believe that Russia's war with Ukraine will last for more than ayear. In May 2022, three months after the start of the full-scale invasion, 21%of respondents thought so.

At the sametime, 62% of respondents believe that the Russian army's "SMO" inUkraine is progressing very successfully or rather successfully. On the otherhand, 23% of respondents do not know why this "operation" was neededor found it difficult to answer.

The number of thosewho believe that Russia is "protecting and liberating" Donbasresidents is higher (25%). One in ten believes that "we need to return ourhistorical lands". 14% said that it is necessary to "eradicatefascism", 13% — that "we were forced, we were insulted".

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