More than 60% of Ukrainians receive a pension of less than 5 thousand hryvnias. Official statistics

Photo: 24tv
According to statistics from the Pension Fund of Ukraine, out of a total of 10,154,705 Ukrainian pensioners, 62.7% of them receive payments of less than 5,000 hryvnias.

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As of April 1, 2024, 1,224,710 Ukrainians receive pension payments of more than 10 thousand hryvnias. This is equal to 12.1% of the total number of pensioners with an average pension of UAH 15,268.49.

From 5 to 10 thousand receive a quarter (25.2%) of Ukrainian pensioners - 2,561,420 people. The average amount of payments is UAH 6,843.67.

At the same time, pensions of up to 5 thousand hryvnias are received by 62.7% of the population. Of these:

  • from 4001 to 5000 hryvnias — 18.6%, 1,889,222 people, the average pension is 4,415.87 hryvnias,
  • from 3001 to 4000 hryvnias — 17.3%, 1,754,068 people, average pension - UAH 3,548.08,
  • Under 3000 UAH — 26.8%, 2,725,285 people, average pension - UAH 2,761.58.
  • On March 26, the first deputy chairman of the Committee on Social Policy and Veterans' Rights, Mykhailo Tsymbaliuk, said that from April 1, working pensioners would receive higher payments.

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