There is a threat that Telegram has become the No. 1 source of information for the country, - MP Siumar
Viktoria Siumar, MP, is convinced that there should be no anonymous Telegram channels in the Ukrainian information space
She expressed this opinion on Espresso.
"Back in 2014, I had to close russian TV channels in Ukraine and organize this process. It was not easy, and at that time, by the way, our Western partners wrote dissatisfied letters saying that we should not do this because it was an attack on freedom of speech. Now the situation has changed and it is very good that we have come to realize that wars begin in the mind. We are actually living in our own information bubbles, there is this fragmentation in the information society. We believe what is put into our heads as a society, as social groups. We are what we consume as an information product," the Ukrainian MP said.
According to her, there is indeed a threat that Telegram is the No. 1 source of information for the country.
"80% of people are on Telegram. What is the problem with this resource, we know that Durov is the same owner of Telegram as VKontakte. Now russian politicians are openly saying that their FSB has excellent cooperation with Durov, there is full coordination in the context of Telegram. It seems to me that the time has come and the key problem needs to be solved, if you don't want to and you see some technical problems, then Telegram should work according to the relevant standard that YouTube and Facebook have already implemented. There should be no anonymous Telegram channels," summarized Viktoria Siumar.
- On March 25, MP Mykola Kniazhytskyi from the "EU" party introduced a bill to the Verkhovna Rada that proposes to regulate the work of Telegram in Ukraine.
- Later, the head of the HUR Kyrylo Budanov said that Telegram is a problem from the point of view of national security.