The Defense Ministry has created an electronic register of conscripts, persons liable for military duty and reservists: what is the "Oberig" for

A virtual receptionist will work for the military
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The Ministry of Defense, together with partners, has created a tool for military registration of citizens - the "Oberig" register. Its distinct advantage is the prevention of corruption

About it writes

What the "Oberig" register is and why it is needed

According to the Defense Ministry of Ukraine, the unified electronic register of conscripts, persons liable for military service and reservists "Oberig" is a tool for military registration of citizens. It is designed to reduce the number of errors due to the human factor and save the resources of the state and the individual due to digitalization.

The Ministry of Defense calls prevention of corruption a separate advantage.

"Thanks to the register, every step to change data is tracked and confirmed by electronic signature," the report says.

The Ministry of Defense is now working with partners to create an electronic military record document. This is an extract from the register, which will testify to the registration status of a citizen - where he is registered, whether he is fit for service, etc.

Unified electronic register "Oberig"

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