"The proposals are likely to be quite radical": Hetmantsev on the possibility of raising taxes

Proposals to raise taxes, particularly the military levy, are expected from the government in the near future. Given the situation, they will be radical
Talking about how real the rumors about raising the military levy and value-added tax are, Hetmantsev noted that such proposals from the Cabinet are expected in the near future.
"You and I have repeatedly heard from the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Defense information that there is a certain underfunding of military expenditures in the budget. This underfunding is measured in hundreds of billions of hryvnias. This is a very large amount of money that cannot be accumulated by point decisions or, say, through detenization, because the resource from detenization has already been used. We already have budget over-fulfillment, but this resource is not comparable to the needs that we have. How to cover these expenses, we are waiting for a position from the Cabinet of Ministers", he said.
Hetmantsev added that the situation is quite serious.
"And given the fact that the situation is quite serious, we expect such proposals in the near future. What these proposals will be, I am not ready to say, but I understand that they will be quite radical", Hetmantsev said.
- Earlier, Danylo Hetmantsev said that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is preparing proposals to increase the military levy and value added tax. However, it is not yet known what the new rates will be