Ukraine ranked second in the number of IT specialists in Central and Eastern Europe
There are 307 thousand IT-specialists in Ukraine, which is the second indicator in the region
This is talked about in a study from Mincifra, AI HOUSE and Roosh. According to the study, Ukraine's IT industry has been growing rapidly over the past 10 years, with the number of AI specialists increasing 5-fold and IT companies doubling. In total, Ukraine has 243 companies in the field of artificial intelligence.
"Compared to the rest of Europe, Ukraine has a higher concentration of AI startups in marketing, gaming and business software", the report says.
Now, Ukraine ranks second in the number of AI companies among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe — we have 307 thousand IT-specialists. It is noted that the most common professions are Data Scientists and ML Engineers, which make up 63% of all professionals in the industry. These are the areas that offer the highest salaries among all IT professions in the country.
Ukrainians can apply for the program from the Angels for Ukraine Foundation with their early-stage technology projects and receive from €50 thousand to €500 thousand for the development of their own startup.