The mayor of Dragușeni commune, Botoșani county, arrested for influence peddling: He demanded 2,000 € for hiring a relative in a sanatorium

Mayor of Dragușeni commune, Nechita Eugen
Defendant Nechita Eugen, Mayor of Drăgușeni commune, accused of asking for and receiving money in exchange for the promise to influence the employment of a person in the Podriga Neuropsychiatric Sanatorium

Prosecutors of Suceava Territorial Service have ordered the prosecution and detention of the mayor of Drăgușeni commune, Botoșani county, Nechita Eugen, for the crime of influence peddling. The defendant is accused of having demanded and received the sum of 2,000  from two persons in exchange for the promise to exert influence on the decision-makers in the management of the Podriga Neuropsychiatric Sanatorium in order to facilitate the employment of a relative of the latter in a post as a medical assistant.

Factual status:

According to  National Anticorruption Directorate  during 2020, Nechita Eugen allegedly requested the sum of 2.000  from two people, claiming to have influence over the decision-makers in the management of the Podriga Neuropsychiatric Sanatorium. They were convinced that, in exchange for the sum demanded, the mayor would intervene so that their relatives would be employed as nurses in the sanatorium. However, the promise would not be fulfilled and the post would be filled by another person through transfer.

The defendant Nechita Eugen was informed of his procedural status and the charges according to the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

On December 21, 2023, the defendant will be presented to the Suceava Court with a proposal to remand him in custody for 30 days.

Note:Prosecution and detention is a procedural stage in which evidence is gathered and the procedural framework for the investigation is provided. This stage does not affect the principle of the presumption of innocence.


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