Border guards catch 16 fugitives near the border with Slovakia

Border guards detained a group of evaders. Photo: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
Photo: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
How fugitives tried to escape from Ukraine to Slovakia

In just one day, border guards of the Chop detachment detained 16 men of military age who were illegally trying to get to Slovakia. In order not to be noticed, the evaders divided into several groups.

About this the press service said of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

"Law enforcement officers stopped a car with Ukrainian registration heading towards Slovakia. It was occupied by eight men of military age, who turned out to be residents of Transcarpathia. Border guards found out that the driver of the car agreed to bring his fellow villagers to the border and assist in their transportation to the territory of Slovakia for a monetary reward. During the detention, he tried to escape, but the servicemen stopped him", - the statement said.

Another group, which included four Transcarpathians, was detained a few hundred meters from the state border. They had almost crossed it."

"Three more offenders were detained during a border patrol check in the area of responsibility of the Uzhhorod and Novoselytsia departments. One person admitted the intention to get to Slovakia outside the checkpoints, two others were in the border area without identity documents", - the SBGSU said.

All 16 people were detained administratively. They were brought to administrative responsibility under Art. 204-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses "Illegal crossing or attempt to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine."

The smuggler's actions constitute a criminal offense under Art. 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Illegal transportation of persons across the state border of Ukraine". The relevant report was sent to the Uzhhorod district department of the National Police.

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