"There are no options": rapper OTOY told when he will go to the TCR
Ukrainian rapper Vyacheslav Drofa, known as OTOY, shared that he plans to update his data in the TCR and admitted that he would answer haters' reproaches about why he is not at the front
This was reported by espreso.tv
25-year-old Ukrainian rap artist OTOY told whether he updated the data in the TCR.
"I'm going to Lviv on Thursday to update it. It's a must. There are no other options", the musician said.
OTOY clarified that he takes a philosophical approach to the reproaches about why he is not at the front, because he cannot please everyone.
"There are people who work with the Defense Forces, either in the Defense Forces or for the Defense Forces, but in a slightly different way. And who better than the military to know this. Especially the servicemen we work with. People will always be dissatisfied with something. No one will like you. That's life", the rapper added.
In November 2023, the musician announced the death of his second brother at the front.