More than 100 thousand Ukrainians fell ill with ARVI, flu and COVID-19 in a week

The number of COVID-19 cases is growing
Photo from open sources
Photo: Photo from open sources
From April 15 to April 21, 2024, the number of cases of ARVI among adults in Ukraine decreased by 4.4%, while among children under the age of 17, on the contrary, it increased

This is reported by

It is noted that out of 117,937 Ukrainians who sought medical attention with symptoms of ARVI, flu and COVID-19 during the week, 72,554 were children.

In contrast, 3345 patients were hospitalized, including 2040 children.

"COVID-19 was diagnosed in 937 Ukrainians, most cases in the Dnipro region. There were 15 fatalities: one due to flu complications and 14 among patients who tested positive for COVID-19. All of the deceased had not been vaccinated against coronavirus infection in the last 12 months", the statement said.

The Ministry of Health reminded that vaccination is a simple, safe and effective way to protect against dangerous diseases before contact with them, as well as to prevent complications that these diseases can cause. Currently, vaccinations against COVID-19 in Ukraine are free of charge.

  • WHO warns against the overuse of antibiotics to treat COVID-19, as they do not improve clinical outcomes, but instead cause the development of "superbugs".

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