China urges the United States not to take cooperation with russia as support for the war against Ukraine

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On Monday, April 22, Director General of the Department of North American and Oceania Affairs at the Chinese Foreign Ministry Yang Tao said that during US Secretary of State Blinken's visit to Beijing he intends to urge not to perceive cooperation with russia as support for the war against Ukraine

This was reported by

He emphasized that Sino-US relations should remain stable, but at the same time, China has its own interests, principles and goals that need to be defended.

The diplomat called on the United States to reflect on its responsibility in russia's war against Ukraine and to refrain from attacking the "normal relations" between China and russia.

In addition, he accused the United States of shifting the blame to China for its cooperation with russia and called for an end to unilateral sanctions against some Chinese companies and individuals.

"The issue of Ukraine is not a China-US issue, and the United States should not turn it into a problem between the two countries," Tao concluded.

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