ANPC actions during the winter break: Millions in fines and severe penalties for non-compliant economic operators

ANPC permanently monitored 1,273 economic operators
Winter Command 2023: ANPC intervenes in tourist areas to ensure optimal conditions

As part of the actions carried out between 5 December 2023 and 10 January 2024, the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) took firm measures in holiday areas in Romania, where tourists enjoy the winter atmosphere. The 2023 Winter Command aimed to permanently monitor 1,273 economic operators in the regions of Bucovina, Brașov, Sibiu, Maramureș, Valea Prahovei, Băile Felix and Băile Herculane.

In the first two weeks of this campaign, ANPC checked 1,273 economic operators and imposed significant penalties for the infringements found. Approximately 7.7 million lei represents the total value of the fines and 587 warnings were issued for various irregularities.

Among the most serious sanctions are the permanent suspension of the marketing of non-compliant products, with a value of approximately 375,000 lei, and the temporary suspension of the provision of services until the deficiencies are remedied, in the case of 121 economic operators. ANPC also made proposals for the closure of certain establishments, including the permanent closure of a restaurant in Băile Herculane.

Horia Constantinescu, president of ANPC, stressed the need for a change of mentality in the Romanian tourism industry, and the actions of the Winter Command 2023 reflect the authorities' commitment to protect consumers' interests.

The main offenses found included the use of food products without identification, changes in their thermal state, and the marketing of textile products without proper labeling. However, there were also positive examples, with economic operators fully complying with the legal provisions, reinforcing the idea that correct practices can redefine Romanian tourism.

ANPC continues to act to ensure that tourists who choose to holiday in Romania enjoy quality services and compliance with legal rules.


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