When a man leaves out in English: what is "guesting" and what are its reasons

We often see strange situations when men leave a relationship in silence. Some see this as a sign of strength and independence, while others see it as a weakness.
The phenomenon of "guesting" has existed before, but it was only in 2015 that people started talking about it. There are many points of view explaining the reason for this behavior, but there is no exact answer, Ukr.Media reports. Let's look at some of them:
Lack of respect for women. When a man behaves like this with his partner, it may indicate a lack of genuine feelings or interest in a particular woman - all of which makes him unwilling to explain his actions.
Unsuccessful example of parents. Many people dream of creating a harmonious union, but everyone has their own idea of it. Some people form their vision in childhood, based on the example of their parents and relatives. Unfortunately, sometimes this understanding is based on the stress, problems and conflicts in the family. As they grow up, these people may not remember this, but when they start a relationship, they again encounter unpleasant associations. Thus, they may choose silent withdrawal as a way to avoid conflicts and painful conversations.
Fear. One of the most common reasons is the fear of confrontation. Many people are not ready to discuss problems openly. For them, the idea of having to explain, explain and justify can be unpleasant. They choose to escape, believing that it is easier to disappear than to face the difficulties of conversation.
For most women, this is a very painful situation. They made plans, had hopes and trusted their partner, and he just left. Many start looking for the cause in themselves, thinking they did something wrong. But you need to understand that there are always two people in a relationship, and everyone has to bear their share of responsibility. It can be difficult to just forget and move on, but that's exactly what you need to do. Just realize that the story is over and it doesn't matter what caused it.