Denisa-Angelica Stănișor, New President of the Superior Council of Magistracy
Prosecutor Emilia Ion was elected vice-president of the SCM.
Judge Denisa-Angelica Stănișor was elected President of the Superior Council of Magistrates (SCM) in a vote on Tuesday. In the same context, prosecutor Emilia Ion was elected vice-president of the SCM.
The Superior Council of Magistracy has 19 members, including nine judges and five prosecutors elected by magistrates in general assemblies of courts and prosecutors' offices. Two other members represent civil society and are elected by the Senate, while the other three are ex officio members: the Minister of Justice, the President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Prosecutor General of Romania. The term of office of the elected members is six years, with no possibility of reappointment.
The Constitution and Law 317/2004 on the SCM provide that the SCM's leadership is composed of a president and a vice-president, who belong to different sections, for a one-year non-renewable term.
Judge Denisa-Angelica Stănișor thus joins the SCM leadership for the next term and will lead this key institution in the Romanian judicial system.