U.S. to provide $1 million for the work of the center for the investigation of russian war crimes in The Hague
The United States is focused on working with Ukraine and the international community to bring to justice those responsible for international crimes committed in Ukraine
The US Department of State will provide $1 million to support theactivities of the International Center for the Prosecution of Crimes ofAggression against Ukraine (ICPA), which was established in The Hague under theauspices of Eurojust. This is stated in an official statement by the State Department .
The department noted that the assistance of the center in The Hague isintended to promote comprehensive justice and accountability for internationalcrimes against Ukraine and its people.
"The ICPA will facilitate further investigations into Russia's warof aggression by providing a forum for Ukraine and partner countries tocooperate in building the strongest evidence possible for futureprosecutions", — the statement said.
The State Department also noted that prosecutors from various countries,including the United States, are already cooperating under the ICPA to"obtain and share key evidence and conduct effective and independentinvestigations".
As reported by European Pravda , theInternational Center for the Prosecution of Crimes of Aggression againstUkraine was launched on July 3.
It was noted that it will be key to investigating the crime of Russianaggression against Ukraine and will help to formulate cases for future trials.
The need to establish the institution arose because the InternationalCriminal Court cannot prosecute Russia for the crime of aggression, as it isnot a state party to the ICC.