Norway will allocate €84 million for humanitarian aid to Ukraine: What will the money be spent on?

Since the beginning of the Great War, Norway has been providing assistance to Ukraine to counter Russian aggression

Norwaywill allocate 84 million for humanitarian aid toUkraine: What will the money be spent on?

Sincethe beginning of the Great War, Norway has been providing assistance to Ukraineto counter Russian aggression

TheNorwegian government is allocating one billion kroner (€84 million) toNorwegian organizations that help Ukrainians. This was reported by thecountry's Ministry of ForeignAffairs .

Whichorganizations are on the list?

It is notedthat the Norwegian Red Cross, the Refugee Council, Save the Children, NORCAP,Church Aid, People's Aid, and others will receive money under the Norwegiansupport program for Ukraine, Nansen.

"Ukrainiansare now facing a new cold winter of war. Almost 18 million people needhumanitarian aid. Russia's brutal war of aggression against the Ukrainianpeople continues in full force", - said Foreign Minister Espen Bart Eide.

The ForeignMinister emphasized that Norway, under the Nansen program for Ukraine, willcontinue to provide emergency assistance and protection to millions ofUkrainians living in very difficult conditions.

Whatwill the funds be used for?

It is notedthat those who have lost their homes, food, water, and normal living conditionswill receive assistance. The funds will also be used for education, healthcare,psychosocial support, and protection of civilians. In addition, Norway isstepping up demining assistance.

"OurNorwegian humanitarian partners are doing an invaluable job in deliveringemergency aid. Cooperation with Ukrainian partners also makes Ukraine moreresilient and prevents further deterioration of the humanitariansituation", - Eideadded.

The agencynoted that Norway is one of the world's largest donors of humanitarian aid.Thus, since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the country has providedmore than NOK 4.5 billion in humanitarian aid to Ukraine and assistance torefugees in neighboring countries.

In Octoberof this year, the Norwegian government decided to allocate 200 million Norwegiankroner (about €17.4 million) for demining in Ukraine.

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