Turkey announces ratification of Sweden's NATO membership in the coming weeks

Turkey to Ratify Sweden's NATO Membership in the Coming Weeks
This could happen in the coming weeks

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has told his Swedish counterpart Tobias Billström that Turkey expects to ratify Sweden's accession to NATO in the coming weeks. On the bilateral meeting, Billström said the Turkish minister did not give a precise date, but indicated that ratification would take place in "the next few weeks". Sweden and Finland have decided to apply for NATO membership in response to the russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Tobias Billström, the Swedish foreign minister, said: "I had a bilateral meeting with my colleague, the Turkish foreign minister, in which he told me that ratification is expected to take place in a few weeks. Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan did not give a date, but said "in a few weeks", reports Mediafax

Billström's statement suggests Turkey is willing to end its opposition to Sweden's acceptance into NATO, stressing that no new conditions have been imposed on it. However, the parliament in Ankara has yet to formally ratify Sweden's membership. In contrast, Finland officially joined NATO in April 2023. Sweden's accession to NATO is seen as crucial in the context of European security and the war in Ukraine, marking a significant change for the military organisation.


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