South Korean sentenced to jail for a poem praising North Korea and accessing a banned website

Man in prison, for a poem
This is not the first case in which he has been accused of violating the National Security Law

A South Korean man in his 60s has been sentenced to one year and two months in prison for violating the 2016 National Security Act. He was accused of writing a poem praising North Korea and accessing a North Korean website, Uriminzokkiri. The law bans accessing North Korean websites and media, as well as "praising, inciting or propaganda" activities in support of North Korea.

The man submitted a poem advocating unification under North Korean rule, arguing that a North Korean-style socialist system would solve housing and employment problems. This is not the first case in which he has been accused of violating the National Security Law, and the South Korean Supreme Court has previously upheld the constitutionality of the law, according to Reuters.

It is worth noting that the two Koreas are technically still at war, as the 1950-53 war ended in a truce, not a peace treaty.


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