Life without shadows: why you shouldn't save on yourself

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"Bad habits invariably lead to a bad life, that's a fact. But good habits are not always the basis for a good life"

These words belong to the Buddhist holy monk the Dalai Lama, and there are many examples from life when what is generally considered right does not bring happiness at all. Many of us have been taught since childhood that we should be frugal with our money, that saving is always good. The same is true for wonderful women who devote themselves to their families: their husbands, their homes and raising children. Everything seems to be going well, but why do some of them start to feel exhausted and drained? Why do they stop feeling the joy of life and the desire to strive for something?

"Saving on yourself is a habit that makes you be satisfied with little and strive for the least"

When a beloved man appears in a woman's life, or a child is born, she wants to give them the best of herself. And this is a wonderful desire, but... But you should do it not to the detriment of yourself. When you do the best for the people you love, but at the same time deny yourself something, you should think about why you are not on the list of these "dearest" people. Be honest with yourself and answer the question: "Do you love yourself? Do you want the best for yourself? Why don't you give yourself what you want?" It's not just about money, it's about your own time that you can spend on relaxation. About the desires and goals that you have to give up. It's about the opportunities you miss out on by devoting your life to others.

Sometimes circumstances are such that certain events force us into a rigid framework. There are times when you have to grit your teeth and endure. But these are only periods, not the whole life. Unfortunately, women often do not notice that the "forced manoeuvre" becomes a strong habit and what was previously considered "temporary" has long since become a lifestyle and a way of thinking. And sometimes a woman voluntarily "dissolves" in a loved one, whether it is a husband or a child. However, people quickly get used to the fact that you sacrifice for them and begin to take it for granted. And who would dare to blame them for this, because you yourself have taught them to live this way.

"No one will thank you for saving on your own life by suppressing your desires for the sake of others. First you save on yourself, then everyone saves on you."

What happens if a woman suddenly decides to change her life and starts spending time and money on herself in the amount she really needs. Most likely, her loved ones will be outraged and will not say that she has the right to behave like this. They will not thank her for the time she has given them. Instead, they will call her selfish and angry for depriving them of everything they used to get without any problems.

Often, women, faced with such reactions from their loved ones, do not dare to "offend" them even more and return to the old pattern of behaviour. Years pass unnoticed in this way, and as a result, the question arises: "Where did my own life go?"

"So that your life does not remain in the shadow of others, do not hesitate to invest in yourself. Only then can you find true happiness and harmony."

Allow yourself to be happy, follow your dreams and build your life according to your values and desires. Don't expect someone to appreciate your efforts and reward you for them. Take responsibility for your destiny and start investing in your development. Don't let unfavourable circumstances and other people's opinions influence your outlook. Life is too valuable to live it according to other people's rules or expectations. Your fate depends only on you, and only you can create true joy and satisfaction in your own life.


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