Ending aid to Ukraine would be a huge step backwards for the US – McConnell

Mitch McConnell
Refusal to provide assistance would be a disaster not only for Ukraine but also for the United States.
Senate Republican leader explains how US aid to Ukraine will be cut off

Cutting offaid to Ukraine would be a huge step backwards for the United States and itsreputation as the leader of the free world.

MitchMcConnell, the leader of the Republican minority in the US Senate, said this inan interview with the Associated Press.

He calledthe current period "a time of America's unique vulnerability" andbelieves that "Ronald Reagan would turn over in his grave if he saw thatwe were not going to help Ukraine".

In hisopinion, refusal to provide assistance would be a disaster not only for Ukrainebut also for the United States.

"Forme, I'm still a Reagan-era Republican. And I think this is the best way for usto go in the future. However, look, in our democracy, this decision is made bythe voters," he added.

Recently,the Western press has been regularly reporting that the war in Ukraine hasreached a deadlock, that it is impossible to liberate the occupied territoriesby force, and that the bloodshed can only be stopped through negotiations withRussia.

Forexample, on 4 November, the US TV channel NBC reported that the US and theEuropean Union were allegedly discussing peace talks between Ukraine and theRussian Federation, as "the conflict has reached a deadlock". Inexchange for the talks, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is allegedly beingoffered some NATO security guarantees even without officially joining theAlliance.

However,the US State Department hasdenied this information and stressed that any negotiations are a matter forUkraine alone.

TheSecretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, OleksiyDanilov, acknowledgedthe impossibility of Kyiv negotiating with moscow to end the war. In hisopinion, this topic is being promoted in the media by the Kremlin, as it wantsto sign peace agreements to build up its forces and move on to the next phaseof the war.


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