Significant increase in travel by Europeans in 2022
EU residents spent an average of €87 per night on overnight stays
Of the total, the majority of trips in 2022 (976 million, representing 91% of the total) were for personal reasons, and the remaining 100 million were business trips. Both sectors saw increases over the previous year: +43% for business travel (+30 million) and +21% for personal travel (+171 million). However, compared to 2019, the year before the COVID-19 pandemic, the recovery was faster for personal travel (-4%) than for business travel (-20%).
Compared to 2013, personal travel increased by 6% (+55 million), while business travel decreased by 15% (-18 million).
EU residents spent an average of €87 per night on overnight stays, according to Eurostat data.
In terms of expenditure, EU residents spent an average of €87 per night with at least one overnight stay in 2022, marking a 30% increase compared to 2021, when they spent an average of €67. The value in 2022 is also 4% higher than in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic (average €84 per night) and 31% higher than in 2013 (€66).
In 2022, per night, tourists from Luxembourg spent the most (€175), followed by tourists from Austria (€154) and Estonia (€128), while residents from Poland (€44), Greece (€45) and the Czech Republic (€46) spent less than €50 per night.