Agricultural production in the EU reaches a new peak in 2022 with an increase of 19% compared to the previous year
In 2022, agricultural production in the European Union (EU) reached a new peak, valued at €537.5 billion, an increase of 19% compared to 2021 and continuing the upward trend started in 2010.
The increase in nominal value was largely due to the sharp rise in the nominal price of agricultural goods and services as a whole (estimated at +22.8%), while the volume of production decreased slightly by 3.1% compared to 2021.
This information is provided by the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) for 2022, published today by Eurostat. This summary highlights some findings from the detailed article on Statistics Explained.
Three quarters of the value of EU agricultural production in 2022 came from seven EU countries: France (€97.1 billion, equivalent to 18% of the EU total), Germany (€76.2 billion, 14%), Italy (€71.5 billion, 13%), Spain (€63.0 billion, 12%), Poland (€39.5 billion, 7%), the Netherlands (€36.1 billion, 7%), and Romania (€22.2 billion, 4%).
All EU Member States saw an increase in the value of agricultural production in 2022 compared to 2021. The highest growth rates were recorded in Estonia (+44%), Poland (+43%) and Lithuania (+42%), which were supported by significant price increases.
Among other major producers, the value of agricultural production increased by 30% in Germany, 18% in the Netherlands, 16% in France and Italy, 10% in Spain and 5% in Romania.
Just over half (54%) of the value of EU agricultural production in 2022 came from crops (€287.9 billion, +15% compared to 2021). Two-fifths (38%) came from livestock and livestock products (€206.0 billion, +26% compared to 2021). The rest came from agricultural services and secondary activities.
Non-investment-related agricultural input costs to the EU (intermediate consumption) were 22% higher in 2022 than in 2021.
Changes in the value of agricultural output and intermediate consumption in 2022 led to a 15% increase in gross value added generated by agriculture.