The Austrian General Staff has voiced two options for ending the war in Ukraine

Markus Reisner
Western countries are not ready for positional warfare
Ukraine should be given all the weapons it needs to win, otherwise russia will destroy its statehood

Western countries are not ready for positional warfare, which wasmentioned in an article for the Economist by Valerii Zaluzhnyi,commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, because for 20 months theyhave been sugarcoating the situation and believe that only with the help ofmoral superiority Ukrainians will be able to defeat Russia. But it doesn't workthat way.

Markus Reisner, a service officer of the Austrian army's General Staff,told Deutsche Welle in acommentary.

He noted that since the beginning of rf's invasion of Ukraine, the Westdid not want to play the military card, but bet on the economy and sanctions.However, he said, "the russians don't care if they eat French cheese -they understand hunger as an argument, but we in the West don't understandthat."

Given the current situation, Reisner sees two options for furtherdevelopments.

"The first is to give Ukraine all weapons without restrictions.Every week 4-5 trains with military cargo should go to Ukraine. There is awhole palette of systems that can be delivered. The second is toself-critically admit that this is impossible. Then it is necessary to tell theUkrainians about it and perhaps start negotiations. In this case, it isnecessary to admit that the Ukrainian state will probably cease to exist,because Russia will destroy it", - believes the officer.

We shall remind you that the commander in chief of the Armed Forces ofUkraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, said in an article for the Economist that the warin Ukraine was enteringa dangerous positional stage. In the general's opinion, this stage willbenefit Russia by allowing it to restore its military power and threaten theUkrainian army and the existence of the state itself.

Zaluzhny's publication has intensifieddiscussions in the USA about whether to continue helping Kyiv with weapons.

The Ukrainian presidential office assured that the war had not reached astalemate and advised military generals not to comment to the media on thesituation on the front without consulting the political leadership.

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