Proposals to amend the Highway Code for Pedestrian Safety

Romanian Highway Code
This year, there have been 52 serious accidents on pedestrian crossings in Bucharest

A recently tabled bill aims to make significant changes to the Highway Code to reduce the risk of pedestrian crossing accidents. Among the changes are substantial fines for pedestrians who cross the street with their phones in their hands or headphones in their ears. Scooter riders will also be affected by the new rules.

This year, there have been 52 serious accidents on pedestrian crossings in Bucharest, resulting in five deaths. The bill proposes fines of up to 435 lei for pedestrians caught using their phones or headphones while crossing the street, according to  

Defensive driving experts say these measures are justified, given that pedestrians can, in certain circumstances, be morally responsible for traffic accidents. The bill must pass through both houses of parliament to become law.

These changes are based on the increase in serious accidents and fatalities at pedestrian crossings and are part of general efforts to improve road safety for all road users.


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