Salary increase in September 2023: Average net earnings reach 4,593 lei

Higher wages in September
Significant differences in pay, with oil industry at the top and hotels at the bottom of the list

According to data published by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) on Monday, average net earnings in September 2023 reached 4,593 lei, an increase of 1.4% compared to the previous month.

The highest net earnings were recorded in the coke and oil products manufacturing sector, with a value of 11.450 lei, while the lowest earnings were recorded in the hotels and restaurants sector, with 2,524 lei.

Average gross earnings were 7,350 lei, up 1.3% from August 2023. Compared to September 2022, average net earnings increased significantly by 14.7%, shows INS data.

The real earnings index was 105.4% in September 2023 compared to the same period last year and 100.6% compared to the previous month. This indicates an increase in real earnings.

The increase in monthly earnings is influenced by the granting of annual bonuses and holiday bonuses, and in September, most activities in the economic sector recorded increases due to the granting of occasional bonuses and other benefits.

Manufacturing of coke and crude oil products recorded the most significant increase, up 23.2%, while metal ore mining recorded a decrease of 11%.

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