Romania and the UK top the list of binge drinkers, according to an OECD report
One in five adults reported binge drinking at least once a month on average in 29 OECD countries in 2019.
Romania and the UK are at the top of the league table for binge drinking in developed countries, according to a new OECD report. Denmark is in the top spot, with around 37% of adults reporting binge drinking at least once a month. The report reveals notable differences between men and women when it comes to binge drinking, with Romania and Luxembourg topping the list for men and Denmark and the UK for women. Europe remains the epicenter of global alcohol consumption, with significant implications for public health.
Women and men in Denmark top a recent Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report on the highest single-session alcohol consumers, reports Euronews.
Some 37% of adults in Denmark reported binge drinking at least once a month.
The next highest binge drinkers were in Romania (36%), followed by the UK and Luxembourg (35%),
Heavy drinking, also known as heavy episodic drinking, involves the consumption of 60g or more of pure alcohol on a single occasion.
The report found that nearly one in five adults reported binge drinking at least once a month, on average, in 29 OECD countries in 2019.
Turkey, Italy and Greece had the lowest number of binge drinkers.
Men are more likely to binge drink than women, according to the data.
Men in Romania, Denmark and Luxembourg were the highest binge drinkers, while women in Denmark and the UK were tied at the top of the list.
On average, 26% of men reported binge drinking at least once a month in OCED countries, compared to 12% of women.
In 2021, alcohol consumption averaged 8.6 liters per person in OCED countries, according to the report, down from 8.9 liters in 2011.
Consumption was highest in Latvia and Lithuania, with more than 12 liters per person, followed by the Czech Republic, Estonia and Austria.
Alcohol consumption, along with smoking and alcoholism, is a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases.
Harmful alcohol use is estimated to be a causal factor for more than 200 diseases and injuries.
Experts say there is no "safe level" of alcohol consumption, and the risk to a person's health begins with the first drop of alcoholic beverage.
Europe is home to the world's heaviest drinkers, with the highest number of alcohol-related deaths in Europe.