European Union opens the door to enlargement

Green light for Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia
Accession negotiations with Ukraine, Republic of Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina officially recommended

Today, the European Commission issued a crucial recommendation to the Council of the European Union, proposing to start EU accession negotiations with three key countries: Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition, Georgia has been granted candidate country status.

For Ukraine, negotiations would begin once Kyiv meets outstanding conditions on fighting corruption and strengthening standards of minority protection. For the Republic of Moldova, the requirements include fighting corruption and improving financial regulations, announces the Commission.

 This move represents a significant step towards European integration for these countries, underlining the European Union's commitment to supporting reform and development in the region. How the negotiations will evolve and what the next steps will be remains to be seen, but this announcement opens new horizons for the future of the EU's relations with these countries.

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