US elections: Biden is losing dangerously to Trump in key states

Joe Biden and Donald Trump
Joe Biden, is losing to his main rival in the upcoming elections, Donald Trump, in 5 out of 6 key states.
Joe Biden loses to Donald Trump in 5 out of 6 key states

Theincumbent President of the United States, Joe Biden, is losing to his mainrival in the upcoming elections, Donald Trump, in 5 out of 6 key states.

This isevidenced by the results of a poll commissioned by The New York Times.

Accordingto the polls, Biden is losing to Trump in almost all of the so-called"swing states" — where neither Democrats nor Republicanstraditionally have strong support. This makes them a kind of all-American"barometer" of the popularity of the two parties at the moment.

Biden's gapwith Trump ranges from 3 to 10 percentage points among the polled voters inArizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. The current head of theWhite House maintains an advantage over his rival in only one "swing"state — Wisconsin.

Thepublication recalls that before the 2020 election, which was won by Joe Biden,he had a higher rating in all six of these states.

The voterssurveyed said that the main reason for their dissatisfaction with Biden is thedisappointing state of the US economy. Many of them are convinced that thecurrent president's policies have harmed their personal interests.

The next USpresidential election will be held on 5 November 2024. In April this year, JoeBiden announced his intention to run for a second term.

The Republican Party,on whose behalf Trump ran in 2016 and 2020, has not yet decided on its officialcandidate — it is currently holding internal "elections" called"primaries". At the same time, Donald Trump has the highest ratingamong Republicans.


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