The West needs to recognise the total failure of multiculturalism policy – expert

Rally in support of Palestine
The policy of multiculturalism in the West has failed.
Western countries need intelligent and systematic leaders, and they also need to define a new vision of the global world

Thecountries of the collective West need to recognise the total failure of thepolicy of multiculturalism in order to protect themselves from the threat ofthe radical Islamic East. As well as to bring intelligent and systematicleaders to power and define a new vision and development of the global world.

This wasdiscussed by blogger Raul Chilachava on his YouTube channel.

Accordingto the analyst, the anti-Israeli protest action at Makhachkala airport onOctober 29 shows that the Republic of Dagestan has joined the religious waragainst Western civilisation. The expert is convinced that the conflict betweenIsrael and Palestine is rapidly growing into a religious and civilisationalconflict: "even agnostics and atheists are called 'crusaders', and they wantto turn the whole world into a caliphate". And "it's not only Israelwith exclusively territorial claims to this country".

At the sametime, Chilachava noted that "if the Western world accepts this challenge,the Allahakbarites will not feel very well."

"Lookaround – we won a long time ago. Today, all technology, all intellectualpotential, all industrial power, is concentrated in the hands of the West. EvenChina is just a factory that generates too little technology on its own. Theyare still copying, not creating. Do you (radical Islamists and terrorists. -Ed.) want to live by your own rules? Your homeland – Syria, Afghanistan, Iran,Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon – are still on the world map. Africa is yours. Live andcreate your "allahfund", "allahmobile" or continue to usecamels. Iran wants a nuclear bomb? Okay. Just let it remember theconsequences," he said.

Accordingto the blogger, it is time for the West to recognise the complete failure ofthe policy of multiculturalism. Chilachava recalled that after the start ofIsrael's war with Hamas, mass protests of natives of Arab Islamic countriesbegan in Germany. Their young participants openly talk about their intention tobuild a caliphate in this European country, because "Germany has runningwater, light, toilet paper, medicine and even an allowance for poor futureterrorists".

In thisregard, the blogger believes that Europe needs to urgently end with suchliberal policies.

"Weneed to ask every representative of these countries, "Are you ananti-Semite? - Yes!", immediately sending him to Afghanistan. "Do youwant to build a caliphate in the EU? - Yes!", good luck in Syria. Thefollowing must be understood and accepted: if we are told that we will bekilled and must live under Sharia law, this is not pluralism of opinion andfreedom of speech, it is an attack on civilisation and Western values at thevery heart of civilisation. We are to be killed and subjugated to their will.This must be fought. Freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins,"the analyst noted.

"Inthis regard, the blogger continued, civilisation – and this is definitely theWest – must find strength, find strong leaders and finally 'put all thesedictators, terrorists and religious fanatics in their place'." After all,"as religious practice shows, even religious fanatics, first of all thinknot about faith, but about creating an atomic bomb."

"Theworld is becoming global – it now has exactly, unfortunately, 115 millionrefugees. France speaks French with an Arabic accent, and Germans queue fordoner kebab. And there will always be countries and politicians who will sharenuclear technology with a cretin from North Korea or a fundamentalist fromIran," the blogger believes.

Accordingto the analyst, the West has big problems with intelligent and systemicleaders, as well as with the vision and development of the global world.

"AngelaMerkel has failed. Let me remind you that at the same time Donald Trump isrushing to power in the USA, who differs from religious fanatics only by thefact that the latter believe in something. China is sick of territorialacquisitions. Russia is mired in plain fascism. The EU still does not realisethat it still needs its own army as part of NATO, not a permanent dependence onthe US 6th Fleet and the antics of, for example, Viktor Orban. Sometimes Ithink that until fanatics detonate a nuclear bomb in one of the world'scapitals, the West will never wake up from its satiated lethargy,"summarised Raul Chilachava.

Anti-Israeli rallies in support of Palestine

On 29October, a crowd of local residents gathered at the airport in Makhachkala(Dagestan), allegedly waiting for passengers on a flight from Tel Aviv. Atfirst, the protesters demanded documents from passengers who were leaving theairport to check if they were Israeli citizens. Later, the crowd made its wayinto the airport building and to the plane, where it began a "search forKyiv."

SeveralIsraelis from the flight that landed in Makhachkala were isolated and takeninto protective custody. They were put on a connecting flight to Moscow.

Meanwhile,in Germany, since the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October, protests in supportof Palestine have been held regularly. On November 4, a 6,000-strong rally washeld in the centre of Berlin, while in Düsseldorf about 17,000 people gatheredto support their "brothers in spirit". The protesters demanded tostop Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip.

On November2, German Interior Minister Nancy Feather banned the activities of theinternational network "Samidoun", which supports the actions of Hamasand organised rallies in the country in support of the Palestinians and againstIsrael. The German wing of Samidoun will be dissolved, have all its assetsconfiscated and be banned from owning Internet sites.

Anyoneinvolved in the network's activities will be prosecuted, Feather said."Anti-Semitism has no place in Germany. We will fight against it in allforms and by all means of the rule of law," she emphasised.

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